My Story- as told by my foster mom

Bosco is an owner surrender after an “accident” left him in desperate need of surgery. No one is quite sure what happened, but his owners took him to the vet with a broken leg. They did not have the money to have the leg set, so the Veterinarian agreed to wrap the leg and explained how to care for him. Three weeks after the initial vet visit, he was taken back to the vet because the leg now “smelled funny”. The owners did not do as the Veterinarian had instructed them to do; the wrap was left on for the entire three weeks! When the Veterinarian removed the bandage he discovered it was severely infected. Gangrene had spread through the entire leg. The only option to save his life was amputation. That’s where ABR came in! After the mention of a call to the police about animal abuse, the owners surrendered him into ABR’s care. We approved the life saving surgery and a specialty surgeon was called in to remove the leg. But since the leg was so badly infected the specialty surgeon would not do the operation because he did not believe Bosco would make it. (HA! Was he wrong...) Since Bosco was already under anesthesia another Veterinarian agreed to do the amputation. Because he was not a specialty surgeon, he was only able to remove the leg, not the leg and shoulder. This means that Bosco will need to undergo another surgery to remove the rest of the leg and the shoulder. (He currently still tries to "use" the leg which results in the occasional tumble.)

Update! December 10, 2008

Hi all...It's been a while since I last updated, I did not realize that I still had a following. My foster mom and dad decided that there was no way they were going to let me go, they've decided to adopt me. I knew it all along, but it's nice to have a forever home. Here are bunch of pictures since I last posted. ENJOY!!

I helped Mom and Dad at a local event for the rescue group. We had a nice big booth, sold cookies, and talked to a lot of people. I was really tired after just a few hours!

Mom and Dad got us a new house and we love it. It's very similar to our other house, but the yard is fenced in. Sis and I have lots of fun running around and are already working on digging to China!

We also made the cover of mom and dad's Christmas card!

I'm Home!! August 16, 2008

Hi All! I am home and doing just fine... I did a great job relaxing in the car on the way home.

The first think I did when I got home was try to get my sister to play. Needless to say mom was not happy. I was supposed to be resting comfortably. I was just so happy to be home.
That's us sharing the water bowl. It does happen often (crabby sister) but I think she was just as happy to see me as I was to see her.

Here are a few pictures from the surgery. Right now it is very swollen, and looks as if not much was done, but all of the bone was removed and muscle is now covering the empty joint. I am not in much pain at all, as I lay on it to sleep. I will post again in about week to show you my healing progress.

Surgery August 15, 2008

Hi all. Just checking in to let those who are following his story know that he had surgery yesterday around 10:00 am, and when I called to check in at 2:00 pm they said he was doing well. Hopefully we will be able to get him tomorrow night, but Saturday at the latest.

Thank you to all of his well wishers. It means a lot to us knowing that so many people are thinking about him and care for him!

A Few New Pictures! July 15, 2008

I had so much fun on the Fourth of July! We watched the parade, and went to a little carnival afterwards. Everyone there loved petting me, and I was so patient!

This is me and my foster sister playing in the front yard. I love playing with her, and am always trying to get her to play, but she only likes to play on her terms. Oh well it is still fun!

I'm Neutered! July 9, 2008

Hi everyone! I was neutered on the 9th of July and did great! I also got my teeth cleaned and all shined up. My incision has healed nicely and it is now almost invisible.

I have been working on a few things since we last talked. I have learned to sit, and do it perfectly every morning when it is time to come out of my crate. I know that I need to sit still (except I get the brittany wiggles) until the door is open. My foster mom said that she now knows that I need to have the rest of my leg amputated. I seem so confused about what to do with what is left when I am sitting. It's hard to decide if I should hold it up, or try to put it down. I've also gotten confused a couple times and it has caused me to crash into the floor. When I get moving too fast (on the stairs, or jumping from the couch) I forget it is gone and expect it to catch me. Hopefully with the rest of it gone, muscles, tendons, ligaments, I won't have this problem.

Anyway my final surgery is scheduled for the 14th of August. Wish me luck!

A few new pictures July 3, 2008

Mom took a few pictures of me tonight. That's such a fun game. She must have taken a million.

Such a cutie I am!

That's my foster sister. She can be a little crabby sometimes, but I can get her to play with me when I'm being really good! She's fun, but you should try playing with the cat. He's the best. I am very gentle!

Oh yeah, that's my favorite spot on the couch. Life is so easy here...lots of love and plenty of rest.

Well thanks for looking. I hope you enjoyed!

Good News! June 27, 2008

I have great news to share! I got my stitches and staples removed today! The vet was very impressed with how well I healed. I was a real trooper too. It hurt a little (some of the stitches were buried a little), but I did great! I had blood work done too. MomPam and MomLaura noticed that I drank a lot of water and were a little concerned about that. All of my blood tests came back great! I have fantastic kidneys and an amazing liver. I just love to drink water. They discovered that I have loved water since I was born. It was on my vet records from when I was a baby. Now we just have to limit my water intake, and that doesn't seem to affect me at all.

I also got a heart worm test and of course it was negative.

Next is my neuter surgery. I will let you know as soon as that is scheduled.

Here is a new picture of me enjoying life!

A little scare June 19, 2008

Well tonight it seems I may have gotten myself into a little trouble. MomLaura caught me licking a few too many times. She knows I hate that stupid collar, so she tries to let me have free time without it. Well tonight it seems that I have licked a scab off of my incision exposing a 2 cm hole where I must have previously pulled stitches out. Off to the vet. The only problem was the time. It's almost closing time for all of the local vets. Good thing the Emergency vet clinic is still open. (Not so good is how much they charge!) Well I must have really won them over. They gave me a small discount on the bill: $200-my good looks discount= $27.00. Wow, but MomLaura said that doesn't mean we can do this again!! I think she was scared. I got 5 staples, and they said give it another week to heal.

Doing Great! June 16, 2008

I went to DogFest this past weekend (June 14 - 15, 2008) with some of the Ohio ABR Volunteers. It was fun. SO many new dogs to get to know.

This is where MomPam handed me over to MomLaura. MomLaura couldn't believe how well I was doing for just 1 week post surgery! That must be because MomPam took such good care of me! Thank you so much MomPam, I will never forget your hospitality, love, care, and kindness!

Bosco Post Surgery June 9, 2008

I told you, I did just fine through surgery. From MomPam again right after surgery: "For all those wondering how Bosco is – the vet tech watching over him told me he is doing really well and showing very little sign he had recent surgery." Amazing, Huh?

I was pretty swollen right away, but that didn't stop me from loving life. I had so much to do...including learning to walk again. That didn't take long to learn, I'm a Brittany!!

Bosco Pre Surgery June 6, 2008

Hi All! This is me right before I went into surgery. I was all wrapped up by the nice ladies at the vet clinic. They were so great! Everyone was worried I wasn't going to make it, but obviously I did just fine! This is what my first foster mom, Pam, said when she met me: "Here is our boy. He was pretty engaging this morning when I visited him – a sweet, quiet dog who didn't show he had been running a fever yesterday. He will go into surgery this afternoon. He is very skinny. Although he weighed in at 30 pounds... In any case, the vet was very impressed with his compliance and calmness during the examination of his obviously painful leg. He is optimistic about our boy's recovery and his office will call this afternoon after surgery."